You deserve the birth of your dreams.

How would you feel...

If I told you that birthing at home isn't radical or scary. That when you believe deep in your core, that your body was created to birth, doing it on your own terms is possible...

What if ...

You had all the knowledge and education you needed? That fear of the unknown wasn't even a question, because you knew that a blissful and ecstatic process and outcome of birth, was inevitable.

Maybe you ...

  • Don't want to fight for your right to have a natural birth

  • Have had a traumatic past birth experience and know you want to do things differently this time

  • See beautiful birth videos and wish that could be you

  • Don't want decisions taken out of your hands

  • Don't want to feel like you're handing over your body and experience to the 'experts'

  • Want to feel comfortable enough to fully express your real raw self in your birth

  • Want to feel respected and the process honored

  • Believe birth can be beautiful and want to take a chance at getting that outcome

You CAN have a peaceful birth at home!

I know how confusing it can be when you have outside voices criticizing you for wanting to birth differently. But I also believe you're here because you KNOW you deserve more.

I know it can be worrying to think about the possible complications... But what if you truly understood the physiology of birth, and knew how to recognize and address a complication? Or better yet, what if you knew how to PREVENT them in the first place? How would you feel, if you knew the difference between variations of normal, complications and true emergencies?

Imagine if you were no longer affected by the negative comments, because you now possess the knowledge and language to articulate the reasons you're choosing this route! And the opinions of others no longer bothered you, because you KNOW with every fiber of your being, that birth should be this way.

Hi, I'm Bec.

Ten years ago I was pregnant with my first child and as I began to think about needing to seek out prenatal care, I started to get this overwhelming feeling that the system was not for me. I had never known anyone who home birthed before, and here I was googling "home birth midwife near me".

That willingness to listen to my intuition was the best decision I've ever made. Four kids, all born at home, with the last two being free birthed with no midwife present. For years people would say I was crazy because I love birth so much. I thought I was the weird one... But turns out there's a whole lot of women who've been fed a lie about their bodies and birth, and been conditioned to fear it, and their experiences became a self-fulfilling prophecy, and it wasn't weird to love birth at all.

I'm here to change the mindset around birth. I want you to fall in love with it, and walk away from your experience feeling empowered and on top of the world, like the birthing queen you are! You deserve the birth of your DREAMS!

Through each pregnancy and birth, I went through a journey and complete transformation of its own. An unravelling. A peeling back of layers, to get to the deepest parts of me. I couldn't stop talking about birth and how wildly ecstatic it is. Women constantly shared beautiful messages with me, about how I had encouraged or inspired them to birth differently next time, and that they'd experienced both redemption and healing.

THIS is why I created this self-paced course. Just for you. So that you could identify the fears, and move through them, while learning how your body works, what birth looks like from a physiological point of view, how to quickly recognize and respond to complications plus SO much more. I know that as you work through this course, you are going to feel excited about your birth, but more importantly, you're going to feel empowered and confident.

In this course you will learn...

  • The modern mindset around birth and how birth is pathologized
  • All about free birth
  • The fundamentals around physiological birth
  • The anatomy and biology of birth and our bodies in birth
  • How to prepare mentally for birth
  • How to break through fears
  • How to trust the process of birth
  • Each different stage of labor, and how to prepare for it and cope during it
  • What to expect at each stage
  • How to prepare physically for birth
  • Different breathing techniques for labor
  • How to choose your birth support and why it matters
  • The difference between variations of normal, complications and true emergencies
  • What to do in the case of any complication
  • How to navigate and advocate for yourself in a hospital transfer
  • How to protect the first hour with your baby
  • What to do with the cord and placenta
  • Tearing
  • The basics of breastfeeding
  • and so much more

A complete guide to birthing on your terms

This self-paced course is a complete guide to birthing outside the walls of the system. It is a comprehensive deep dive into physiological birth, so you understand the body and how birth works. It is evidence-based complete with references, so that you can continue your research and feel informed and to give you the confidence to birth on your own terms in the comfort of your home. Whether you decide to go completely unassisted, or you choose to have a home birth midwife, or even if you choose to be in hospital, this course will leave you feeling equipped and confident in your body's ability to birth your baby, and how to advocate for yourself.

Module 1: Introduction

In this module you will be welcomed and give you a short introduction as to why this course was created. And how you can best engage in it.

Module 2: The Modern Mindset

In this module we go through a basic history of birth, the different models of care and how they came about, and how birth has been pathologized. You will also be introduced to the idea that birth is not a medical condition or event.

Module 3: Birth Is Normal

In this module we walk through statistics around the safety of homebirth and building upon the fundamental belief that birth is a normal event.

Module 4: Preparing Mentally For Birth

This module you are going to deep dive into the mental preparation of birth, why it is foundational in your birth prep, and how pain is connected to your beliefs and thoughts around birth.

Module 5: Basic Anatomy Of Our Bodies & The Physiology of Birth

From understanding the natural changes that occur in your body, to a detailed exploration of each stage of labor. You're going to feel so confident after learning about the physiological process of each stage, and how you can power through it with confidence and trust.

Module 6: Preparing Physically For Birth

Preparing physically is important to ensure optimal positioning of the baby, for a smooth labor and delivery process. In this module you'll learn different ways to support the body physically, to protect the integrity of your birth.

Module 7: Birth Support

Who you do or don't have around you and in your birth space, is vitally important for a positive birth experience. In this module you'll learn how to choose your birth witnesses, and confidently set expectations with them, for their presence.

Module 8: Variations of Normal, Complications & Emergencies

This is the longest of all the modules, and one of the most important. Everyone wants to know what to do in the case of emergency, but you will actually walk through different potential scenarios, and learn whether it is a variation of normal, a complication and what to do, and how to spot a true emergency. You will also learn how to navigate, and advocate for yourself in the event of a hospital transfer.

Module 9: Post-Birth Care

What do you do with the cord? What are the benefits of delayed cord clamping, skin to skin and the golden hour? What do you do with the placenta? Do you consume it? What are your options? And what do I need to know about breastfeeding when starting out? All of these things and more are covered in this module.


Journal Prompts

Get to the root of fear, build a vision for your birth and change your beliefs and inner dialogue around birth, with this 7 page journal prompt workbook

Birth Plan

A birth plan printable in the case of a hospital transfer - also includes the template link so you can change or add anything you want

Problems & Solutions Printout

A printable, for any birth attendants to be able to refer to, with important information on potential complications and how to handle them (including if a hospital transfer is needed).

Birth Supplies & Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive list of home birth supplies with a page to add your own extras you want not see listed. And BONUS home birth cheat sheet template for you to customize and have printed for your birth witnesses to know what your needs, expectations and desires are, and how they can best support you.

Let's take a peep inside...

  Module 1: Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: The Modern Mindset
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Birth Is Normal
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Preparing Mentally For Birth
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Basic Anatomy of Our Bodies and The Physiology of Birth
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Preparing Physically For Birth
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7: Birth Support - Who You Have Around You Matters
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8: Variations of Normal, Complications and Emergencies
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 9: Post-Birth Care
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course IS for you if you...

  • Want to have MORE than vaginal birth
  • Want to have a deeply joyful, empowering experience
  • Want your baby to enter the world gently
  • Want to birth autonomously and the way you were designed by God to give birth
  • Want to learn to trust your intuition and your body
  • Want tools to eliminate fear
  • Want to choose a strong and supportive birth team
  • Want to confidently assert your desires and boundaries
  • Want to know how to manage complications
  • Want to feel in control of the decisions you make for your birth and baby
  • Want to know how to confidently navigate the system and advocate for yourself

This course is really geared towards women who are wanting to birth at home, with a strong emphasis on freebirth. However the information still pertains to, and will empower any woman choosing a midwife-led home birth or even women choosing to birth at hospital.

Choose a Pricing Option


Q: Can I still do this course even if I am planning a hospital birth?

A: Yes you absolutely can. While the information puts an emphasis on home/free birth, the knowledge you will gain and the tools you will acquire can help to empower any woman, no matter where she chooses to birth

Q: How long do I get access to this course for?

A: You will have lifetime access

Q: When is the best time to get started?

A: There's no wrong time to get started, however if you purchase and start watching in the 2nd or 3rd trimester, you will have the most time to prepare. But even if you are 40 weeks and you want to binge all the content in a weekend, I know you will be so glad you did!

Q: I want my partner to be involved too. Is this course good for men?

A: Absolutely! There is something so powerful about a man having the knowledge and understanding of what's happening in your body, and feeling confident through each phase of your labor. I recommend having your partner at the very least, watching these modules:

Module 3: Birth is Normal

Module 5: Basic Anatomy of Our Bodies and Birth

Module 7: Birth Support

Module 8: Variations of Normal, Complications and Emergencies

Module 9: Post-Birth Care.

Q: What if I invest in your course and my birth doesn't go to plan?

A: The real question is, what if you do nothing? I can't guarantee anything in childbirth, but what I can guarantee is, if you really do the prep work, you will absolutely go into your experience better equipped than if you hadn't done anything. You will be able to have more confidence to advocate for your desires, and ask the right questions to make informed decisions

Q: Can my pregnant friends go in on this course together and share the cost?

A: This course is designed for single use only. Thank you so much for honoring my time, knowledge and financial investment that it took for me to get this course set up, by not sharing your login details with others. Together, we are shifting the modern view on birth, and changing the world one birth at a time. I believe this is a worthwhile investment.

Q: I really want to buy this course, but I cannot afford it. Do you offer scholarships or discounts?

A: I have a payment plan, because I really want this course to be accessible for everyone. However I believe that this course is an investment in yourself, and your baby. if you continue to do what you've always done, you will continue to get the same results. The only way we can make a change is to do something different. I believe birth is such an important rite of passage, and by investing in yourself, for your birth, you are giving yourself and your baby, the best start! I have also priced this course much lower than my investment in time, knowledge and skills deserved, to get it out to you.